Sunday, 28 February 2016

Sues Session - Dirt, Yellow teeth and practicing our ideas.

In my recent make-up session with Sue she demonstrated how to create some other effects for our character ideas. I enjoyed this session and adapted my final design in response to some of the new techniques I had learnt. I enjoyed playing with fullers earth and creating yellow teeth the most, and plan to order some of these products so that I can create the same effects on my character. 


- Keep make-up simple and focus on continuity
-Consider the hair around the face
-Kryolan tooth enamel/ or Nicotene speckled on the teeth can create a yellow tooth effect
(makes them look rotten)
-Make sure the tooth is completely dry before applying yellow enamel, you can use a cotton bud to apply the enamel onto the tooth
- Always apply enamel to the teeth, with your models mouth open, making sure the enamel is dry before closing their mouth
-To remove tooth enamel, use surgical spirit and a cotton bud
- Fullers earth can be used to make the hair, face and clothes appear dirty/ashy/muddy
-You can mix fullers earth with water (creates a dark and muddy texture) 
-You can dry out fullers earth, this creates a breakable, cracked texture
-Fullers earth can be coloured over wet or dry (sprayed over)
- Kryolan coloured hairspray or Brandell (grey/black coloured spray) creates a grey/ashy tint to the hair
-You can grease down the hair with brill cream (hair gel)
- Mixing water with liquid blood creates a splattered blood effect when sprayed (more gore/scary)
-You can dry fullers earth with a warm/cool hairdryer 
-Using a Menthol tear stick underneath the eyes, makes the eyes water (tear/wet effect)
-Food colouring can tint the tongue (this can be used to make a black/dirty tongue 
-Analyse your model, considering any blemishes, redness, scarring and moles on the skin(continuity)
-Tooth lacquer can be applied with a makeup brush, you have to work with the product quickly, you can also stiple the product onto the teeth creating more texture and realism 
-Grease hands/knuckles etc then bend the skin/Body part Underneath nails and around fingers 
-Make sure the hair and face go together as a whole 

After Sue demonstrated a few new techniques, I began to practice one of my character designs on my peer Toby. I had brought a face chart with me that I wanted to practice during the session, although I ended up combing my design with the techniques Sue taught us as I wanted to try both during the session so, i'd say the final outcome I created was more inspired by my design. 

Dorian Gray 'Portrait' Inspired chart.

I first began practicing my look by creating my base on Toby, I cleansed, prepped and primed the skin and then began to colour match his skin tone. Although I coloured matched the correct skin tone for Toby, I wanted the skin to be paler for my character design so I combined illamasqua Skin with the kryloan foundation which created the base I wanted. I was happy with the application and felt the base was smooth, but Toby's skin was quite dry so a lot of dead skin and redness interfered with the application of the base, although I am glad I had the chance to test this as Men's skin is very different and normally dryer than women's skin. During the continuity assessment I am going to use a generous amount of moisturiser and primer on my male models skin, I am considering exfoliating the skin on the day also so that It is softer and more even, I know there is a risk my model may get spots after this but his skin will have a week to recover, I am going to ask Sue for her opinion. 

After creating my base, I wanted to subtly contour the face so that the face appeared more hollow but I wanted it to be a cooler, greyish tone colour to contour with as I wanted my character to look sick, pale and ghostly. To achieve this, I used a grey tone eyeshadow from my Ben nye eyeshadow palette and began to sculpt the face with a blusher brush. I brought the grey tint up around the temples, ears and forehead so that their was a grey tint all over the skin. During the continuity assessment I think I will bring the base down the neck and ears so that it doesn't look unfinished, I will also lightly contour underneath my models chin and jawline area. I was happy with the outcome and felt it made his skin appear ill and ghostly. I wanted this effect on my character because I imagine him during the Gothic Novel to have porcelain, perfect, almost translucent skin and facial features like a God. I want to create the same look only a scary, tired, worn out version of Dorian Gray were his make-up and hair symbolise the toll his subconscious is taking on him.

After creating my base I began to create the effects I wanted, I applied fullers earth, Liquid blood mixed with water, nose and scar wax, and supra colour and Tooth enamel to Toby. I was sharing Toby with another peer as we both had male models for our continuity assessment, this is why I'm only photographing one side of his face. I first created a bruised black eye on Toby, using my surpra colour palette and ben nye Bruise wheel, I wanted to create a severe black bruise as If he was just attacked, I brought the bruise out to the side of his nose and also the inner eye area, I wanted the bruise too look really big and extreme. After creating the bruise I began to practice creating a yellow tooth, taking some cryogen tooth enamel and a cotton bud I began applying some of the product to the teeth. After applying the yellow tint I applied some black tooth enamel also so that I could create a rotting effect on the tooth, I stipled the black enamel over the yellow. 

After experimenting with the tooth enamel, I wanted to try fullers earth. Taking a bowl and some fullers earth I added a small amount of water and began to mix the powder so that It became thicker in texture. Once it was ready i began to smear the fullers earth onto the side of Tobys face, using a makeup brush at first but then using my fingers instead which was better. On my original design, I had planned to create some extra skin on the face with some nose and scar wax, on the face design I had planned to create this on the eyebrow area and also the side of the mouth, but as I had already created a black eye on Toby I adapted this. 
Instead I applied the wax to his forehead, so that it  appeared as If Toby had a bad, bloody gash. After creating my gash I added some scab blood and liquid blood mixed with water so that it looked like blood had just splattered on his face. I think effects like splattered blood, is one of my favourite techniques and it tells a story in itself as you wonder if its their blood or the some one else's. After I had practiced a few techniques I wanted to try combining it with my design, I added some supra colours over the blood and fullers earth on the skin, this was so I could incorporate colours into the look symbolising the portrait of Dorian Gray. 

I was happy with the outcome of my look and felt more confident after the lesson, it was helpful being able to practice and properly analyse the effects I was creating so that I practice for the continuity assessment. I feel I need to work on the placement of my effects and i plan to properly practice my final design next week on my male model. I want to make sure I concentrate and perfect the application of the makeup during the continuity assessment as this is something Sue spoke about in feedback from the first semester. I have spoken to my male model and advised him to bring a smart white shirt and a smart blazer/wasitcoast so that he is a complete character when i have finished creating the hair and make-up during the assessment. 

Products Used 
-All makeup brushes
-Kryolan foundation palette 
-Supra colour palette 
-Kryolan scab blood 
-Wax (unknown brand)
-liquid blood
-Makeup cleanser, toner and moisturiser 
-Fullers earth 
-Ben Nye Bruise Wheel 
-Tooth Enamel (unknown brand) 

Health and Safety 
Take care when applying products/make-up around the eye area if anything gets in models eye remove/wash out immediately 
Make sure all make-up brushes/tools are clean 
Make sure your hands are sanitised properly and products are clean (cross contamination)
Assess models skin if necessary considering any irritation or issues with their skin 
If models reacts in response to products badly (Allergies) remove immediately 

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