Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Burns - Coloration and Degrees

The Classifications of Burns 
Depending on the severity and size of a burn, burns are normally categorised as first, second and third degrees. 

First Degree Burns 
- First Degree burns is when the epidermis (outer layer of skin) of the skin is only affected
- The skin appears red, dry and sore they are painful and normally don't have blisters 


The above image shows a first degree burn on the hand, the skin is peeling and red and looks very sore. This could be recreated by using colodian and tissue and then colouring over with the supra colour palette and adding some sheen to the burn with Vaseline.

Second Degree Burns 
- Second degree burns affect the epidermis and part of the dermis layer of the skin too 
- The skin normally appears bright red, blistered, swollen and can be quite painful 

The above burn is a Second degree burn and appears more wet and sore, the skin looks very fragile and blistered and the flesh looks red, taught and painful. This burn can be recreated by using a silicone mould, gelatine or colodian and then colouring with fullers earth, vaseline, supra colour, bruise wheel, wound filler etc. 

Third Degree Burns 
- Third degree burns are more serious and can destroy both the dermis and epidermis and may even go into the subcutaneous tissue depending on the depth of the burn
-The skin of third degree burns usually appear white and charred 


The image above is of a third degree burn on the arm and hand, you can see where the skin is taught red and a white colour. The skin looks tight, taught and shiny and the hand looks extremely swollen. This burn can be recreated by using nose and scar wax to thicken the skin (swollen) the burns can be created with gelatine and colodian and tissues and then coloured over with supra colour, bruise wheel, wound filler etc. 

Fourth Degree Burns 
- Fourth degree burns are the most serious and serve burns
-These burns affect the skin layers, tissue, bones, muscles and tendons 
-These burns destroy your nerve endings meaning your feeling is gone 


Above is a fourth degree burn and it is obvious how severe and incredibly painful this burn appears. The skin coloured is black, white and red from burns, blood and bruising. The bones are showing, show how deep this particular burn is, the nerves in this patients arm are probably destroyed and the skin is burnt and thick looking. This makeup look can be recreated by using Nose and scar wax, gelatine, silicone moulds, dirt and then coloured over with supra colour, bruise wheels, wound filler etc.

Epidermis layers 




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