Monday, 28 March 2016

Real life inspirations behind AHS Freak Show

 Schlitzie The Pinhead 

Pepper AHS Freak Show

Simon Metz known as Schlitzie the Pinhead was born in September 10th 1901, Simon lived in New York City in the Bronx borough. Schlitzie was born with 'Microcephalus' this is condition where the brain is abnormally small and sometimes creates a pointed shape in the cranium. The expression 'Pinhead' was used to describe sufferers of the condition commonly, during the 1800's 'Pinheads' were often exhibited as a 'species' apart from man. Throughout Schlitzie's career he was associated as a female, this was due to his choice of clothing which was normally dresses, this was because of his incontinence. 
Schlitzie was popular with crowds and his most supportive fans were his care takers and colleagues. Simon's infectious and innocent soul inspired and influenced others and people admired and adored him immensely. Schlitzie had a long career and entertained millions of carnival goers, he was even featured in the classic cult film 'Freaks' by Tod Browning.  Remarkably Schlitzie was part of every major name in the circus and carnival business, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, Clyde Beatty Circus, Tom Mix Circus, West Coast Shows, Vanteen & Lee Circus Sideshow, and the Dobritsch International Circus. Simon continued to enchant crowds and entertain others until the age of 71.

The Strongman 

A Strongman has been an important inclusion in circuses and Freak shows since the 1920's. Abnormally strong and muscly men became an essential act in the 1920's, Strong men were usually dressed in cheetah and leopard print clothing, resembling Tarzan. These acts would normally lift people, other performers and large objects above their heads to show off their strength.

AHS Freak Show Dell Toledo

Fortune Tellers 

From the 1920's Gypsies, mystic mediums and fortune tellers became a magical inclusion in circuses and Freak Shows. These magical performers would have their own special tents in their circus so that they could do palm readings, tarot card readings and crystal ball inspections in private with circus goers.

AHS Maggie Esmerelda

Lobster People 

'Lobster people' is an expression used to describe 'Ectrodactyly' which causes the hands to form improperly and in 'Lobster' form. In the 1900's people who had this deformity commonly joined circuses and Freak Shows to become an act as it was an easy way to make money.

AHS Jimmy Darling

 The Bearded Lady 

The Bearded Lady was a common act in early circuses and Freak Shows, and have re appeared throughout the years in pop culture. Menopause and PCOS is the common reason for women to have extra hair and beards.

AHS Kathy Bates

Conjoined Twins 

Conjoined twins are one of the most fascinating and famous acts featured in a Circus/ Freak Show.

AHS Freak Show Bette and Dot Tattler


Contortionists are incredible performers with the ability the bend their bodies in half, balance on difficult platforms and also bend themselves into tiny/awkward boxes. You can still find these performers today in circuses such as 'Cirque du Soleil'. 

 AHS Freak Show Contortionist

Maria Spelterini The Tight Rope Princess.

On July 8th 1876 Maria Spelterini tightroped across Niagara Falls, Maria performed this incredible act 4 times each time making the act more difficult by adding chains to her wrists and ankles, wearing a paper bag over her head etc. 
 Her elegance in these endeavors was described by a local paper as "traveling the gossamer web with a graceful, confident step, which soon allayed all apprehension of an impending disaster." - By Kirsty Puchko
Whist researching I discovered a Newspaper article from August 29th 1989, which speaks about Maria Spelterini as a circus performer, I found this article interesting as It also spoke about how her as a female was almost challenging society and its expectations in this era as women were expected to be a housewife and always be at home. 

"Her sex and beauty, plus her acrobatic background and ability, struck a sharp note for the equality of women in an era where a woman's place was in the home, or in the background. "- ( - Maria Spelterini and her Niagara Falls adventure.

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